What does Adversity do for You?
By: Dave Cole

Napoleon Hill wrote, "In every adversity, there 
is the seed of an equal or greater benefit".

Doesn't it just seem that the more you try to get 
things accomplished, the more problems and 
obstacles that somehow, just crop up and are 
required to be dealt with along the way?

Becoming a success doesn't just happen. 

Everything seems to be going along pretty well, 
when all of a sudden....up comes this major 
roadblock.... seemingly, out of nowhere to try 
and trip you up.

Unfortunately these hindrances just don't come to 
us complete with big signs that would explain why 
they are there, and further more, just what steps 
we need to overcome these unwanted obstacles.

Evan Hunter, a now world famous Novelist, had a dream.

Mr. Hunter was a radar man aboard a Destroyer in 
the US Navy. He had a lot of free time after his 
watch was over and decided that he was going to start 
on his road to fulfilling his dreams.

He began to write mystery stories and sent them 
to magazines hoping they would get published. Every 
one he sent, was returned as being rejected. In fact, 
it got so bad, that his shipmates ran pools
betting on when his next script would be returned.

Mr, Hunter, who is now 74, said, "I never got 
discouraged though".

All the rejection notices: only fueled even further 
his desire to become a famous writer.

After the Navy, he earned a degree in English. Then, 
found a job that would help him get experience in 
achieving his goal.

He kept on writing, kept on getting rejection notices, 
but finally...sold 1 script.

The sale netted him $12.60, before taxes!

All those years of writing, getting an education, 
and countless rejection notices had earned him less 
that 12 dollars for his efforts.

Just think about all he had gone through, all the 
work he had done, and how that skinny little check 
must have made him feel.

Would you have gotten discouraged by this time?

But, Evan Hunter is a man who believes that optimism 
is the only way to go! He looked at that adversity, 
recognized it for what it was, then found that seed 
of an equal or greater benefit!

He began to take a very hard look at his technique. 
Instead of writing the standard fiction, Mr. Hunter 
decided to draw on his own personal life experiences 
and began to write what he knew about.

"The Blackboard Jungle", published in 1954, became 
an immediate success. Then it wasn't very long before 
he was getting 2 to 3 books a year published and had 
achieved world class fame.

Here's a man who overcame a lot of adversity trying 
to achieve his life's dream. He welcomes challenges. 
He believes that it forces him to stretch his efforts 
and further forces him to streamline his work efforts.

Always Remember This: 

It's NEVER what happens TO YOU that really matters. 
What is so much more important is, 

to those events and obstacles in your path.

Have you got a stumbling block on your road to 
success today?

If so, that's good! Look for that seed of an equal 
or greater benefit. 

It's always there, you just have to find it.

The path to your success may not be easy. In fact, 
it will most likely be littered with debris, detours, 
and a myriad of challenges. 

How you react to those challenges is everything!

Learn to recognize adversity for what it really is. 
A challenge in disguise, sent to spur you on to greater 
and greater heights and future accomplishments.

Dave Cole
Prosperity: The Choice Is Yours
Copyright © 2005

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Choose To Prosper