Touched By An Angel
By: Dave Cole 

Walking home alone one day from her class in New 
York City, something stopped her. A noise, a faint, 
very faint......pathetic mewing. 

As the young pharmaceutical student pushed aside 
the weeds in this abandoned lot and knelt down, she 
found this pitifully emaciated, obviously dehydrated, 
little orphan Coon cat. 

Little did our hero realize just how serious the trouble was. 

The kitty was feverish, her eyes watery and barely open. 
Her natural black coat with it's chest bib of white was a 
lifeless, rat-colored gray, matted with excrement and dirt. 

The symptoms were frighteningly familiar and heartbreakingly 
classic: distemper. 

Our young student petted her tentatively. Weak as the 
kitten was, it somehow managed to raise her little head 
and look at the was a look of gratitude and 
a plea for help that the young college student never, ever 
has forgotten. 

Without hesitating, our Angel of Mercy picked the kitty 
up and raced to the nearest phone booth. Frantically 
leafing through the Yellow Pages she called the first 
veterinarian listed. 

The situation was explained and the kitten's symptoms, but 
to her dismay was told there was nothing she could do. 

Call after call to every vet in the book returned the same 
response. Finally one veterinary clinic agreed to see her. 

Distemper was in those days routinely accepted as being 
virtually incurable for cats, for kittens it was a death 

Wrapping the little orphan in her sweater, she raced for her 
car. The little kitten tried to push her nose against the 
arm of this lady seeking comfort and reassurance. As 
the young lady started driving to the clinic she named the 
little kitten, Tashi. 

Upon arrival at the clinic she felt like crying. It was wedged 
between a butcher shop and a laundromat in a run down 
section of Brooklyn. From the outside the place looked like 
a flophouse. The waiting room wasn't much better. 

The doctor, Dr. Goldberg led them in to the examining 
room immediately. Before Tashi could even be put on the 
table, the doctor was preparing a syringe and gave her 
an injection. Examining the kitten from head to tail the doctor 
only shook his head. 

The young student, lips quivering and heart pounding asked.... 
"Will she....?" she couldn't even finish the sentence. 

"You must force her to eat." came the reply. "There is 
nothing more I can do." "Bring her back tomorrow, 
if she is still alive." 

Back at home in her tiny apartment, this young lady 
spent the entire evening hand feeding Tashi at regular intervals. 

Distemper is known for causing cats to refuse to eat or 
drink and therefore, unwittingly starving them to death. 
Tashi seemed to view the nutritional ministrations as 
cruel and unusual punishment. It broke the students heart, 
yet she couldn't really blame Tashi. 

The student ignored Tashi's feeble protests and sustained 
herself by repeating, "All's fair in love and war." This was war 
and our hero was in love. 

At 5 in the morning battle fatigue set in. Tashi seemed no 
better for all the love and attention. Totally exhausted 
this Angel of Mercy fell asleep alongside Tashi. She 
didn't even want to think of waking up. 

Three hours later she had no choice. Two white tipped 
paws were patting her nose, the black tail was tickling 
her chin, and a warm furry head was rubbing against her chest. 

Our hero was euphoric! 

Tashi had made it through the night. 

Every day that first week she made a trip back to 
Dr. Goldberg. Every day, the doctor sadly shook his 
head and said, "Bring her back tomorrow, if she's 
still alive." 

Within 4 weeks the scrawny Brooklyn back lot orphan 
blossomed into a five pound bundle of boundless energy 
and remarkable beauty......and this young lady's life 
was forever changed. 

Jane Bicks no longer wanted to be a pharmacist. 

God had sent an angel in the form of an almost dead kitten 
and placed that kitten in a spot where He knew Jane 
would find it. 

Jane Bicks had found her calling in life. 

Taking Tashi with her to Italy, Jane graduated summa 
cum laude from veterinary school at the University of Parma. 

Dr. Jane Bicks has served as the President of the Veterinary 
Medical Association of NYC, served on the Advisory Board 
of the Cornell University Feline Health Center, helped set 
up the largest animal shelter in the world: the Center for 
Animal Care and Control, has authored 3 books on pet 
care, appeared as veterinary expert on CBS' "48 Hours", 
ABC's "Good Morning America", and many, many other 
national TV shows. At present she is veterinary expert 
for the Animal Planet series, "Petsburgh". 

She has won numerous awards in her line of work including 
three Presidential Citations. Dr. Bicks is one of the pioneers 
of veterinary nutritional/alternative medicine and is 
recognized nationally as a foremost authority in the 
natural treatment of animals. 

Currently Dr. Bicks is the Executive Director of New Product 
Development and Education for HealthyPetNet where 
she oversees all product development and supervises 
a board of veterinarians and pet industry experts who 
ensure HealthyPetNet's cutting-edge formulas meet the 
highest standards for quality and effectiveness. 

Dave Cole
Prosperity: The Choice Is Yours
Copyright © 2005

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