Do You Know What You Want?
by Stuart Goldsmith
This question might surprise you! Up until now, you've probably
assumed that you knew what you wanted, it was GETTING IT which
was the difficult part! You probably think that if you only knew
HOW to get exactly what you wanted, then all of your problems
would be solved.
Have you ever considered that you might not know what you want?
You have probably assumed all along that you DID know! But the
WANT! Oh yes; most people have a vague, woolly idea about where
they want to be, but HARDLY ANYONE knows EXACTLY where they are
trying to get to, or what they want to achieve.
At best, people have a loosely-formed notion about wanting to "be
better," to "improve their finances," or to "succeed," but when
questioned, they have almost no idea at all about EXACTLY what
they want!
Even people who THINK that they know where they are going, rarely
do! It is not enough to say: "I know what I want....more mòney."
EXACTLY how much mòney do you want? WHEN do you want this mòney?
It is not enough to say: "I know what I want....a better car."
What COLOUR do you want the car to be? EXACTLY which model do you
want? By what PRECISE date will you have taken delivèry? Will it
have a sun-roof, electric windows, leather seats, stereo,
air-conditioning? Will it be a manual or automatic?
It is not enough to say: "I want to livè in a better house." How
many bedrooms/reception rooms/bathrooms will it have? EXACTLY
where will it be located? Will it have a garage/laundry
room/shed/stables/swimming pool? HOW MUCH will it cost?
The Secret of Knowing
I will now share another secrèt with you: UNLESS YOU KNOW EXACTLY
BY, YOU WILL NEVER GET IT. It sounds hard, I know, but I'm
telling you the truth. You will never get it!
Why am I so sure? Because if you don't KNOW EXACTLY what you want
then you have nothing to work towards, no specific goals to aim
for. You'll just drift along with the vague hope that "things
will get better". I know because I did this for years!
Also, if you don't KNOW EXACTLY what you want, then you
wouldn't even recognize it if someone gave it to you as a gift!
For example, what chance would you have of arriving at the Hòtel
Bell Vue, 149 Sidmouth Street, London WC2, if you hopped into a
taxi in Glasgow and told the driver that you wanted to get to a
hòtel, but you weren't sure which one? The chances of you
arriving at the correct hòtel would be microscopically small!
Put like that, it seems so obvious doesn't it? It hardly seems
worth saying that you must know where you want to get to, before
you can get there! Yet milliònS of people go through life unhappy
because they "want more", yet they have only the haziest notion
about exactly what "more" is! When, after several years, they
still have not improved their circùmstances, they blame it on
'bad luck' or say that they never had a chance.
They know that they don't want to be where they are at the moment
- so does someone standing on a railway platform! But the railway
traveler is clutching a TICKET stating their destination. They
know EXACTLY where they are going and so there is a very good
chance that they will arrive.
I cannot over-stress the importance of knowing precisely what you
wish to achieve. It is one of the key techniques used in this
book to assure your success. Used properly, it will produce
almost MAGICAL results.
Copyright Stuart Goldsmith. All Rights Reserved.
Article excerpted from Stuart Goldsmith's book, "The Midas
Method". Stuart is a British multimilliònaire author and
lecturer. He created a 16 milliòn fortune starting from a
position of heavy debt, and has taught thousands of others
how to get wealthy. Discover how his breakthrough power
strategies can help YOU achieve your specific goals/dreams.
Visit here...Know How To Be Rich
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