My Biggest Mistake In Network Marketing


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My Biggest Mistake in Network Marketing

I was devastated.

I was curled up in the womb position on my bed for 3 days: 
drinking my tears and breathing my depressing thoughts.

I wondered, "What am I doing...?"


I had just started my network marketing business.

I was excited. I saw the vision. I believed. I worked 
hard. I did what my upline told me to do.

I called all my friends and family. I worked with the 
workers. I let the system help those who weren't ready 
to work. 

I was on my way to becoming an instant success.

At least that's what I thought.

After the first month, I had some success. But it wasn't 
earth shattering. I couldn't understand how all those 
people had made $10,000 in their first month. (I know 
now that they didn't!)

But I kept working.

My second month was bigger than my first month. But for 
the amount of work I had put in I think I had earned 
about $1.10 per hour. Yikes!

But I listened to my upline and knew that the big money 
was years down the road. The work I was doing now would 
pay me for a lifetime. (it's true!)

Even though I can look back now and see that is true, 
I started having some doubts back then. How do I know 
they are not just saying that to make money off of me? 

My third month was bitter sweet. I started having much 
more success, but my downline started quitting! How 
would I ever build an empire of freedom if everyone quits? 

My upline told me to go to my "chicken list".

You know... the list of people you are too chicken to call.

"They are the people that don't quit", he said. Quitters 
in this business are also quitters in the rest of their 
life. Find people who don't quit in their life and you 
will have a rock-solid business.

So I made my list.

On it was:
A CEO of a Fortune 100 company
An Olympic silver medallist
A Mayor
And a bunch of other people who I thought would never in 
a million years do this business.

Then I told my downline to make their chicken list.

I would call their list, too.

I was going to succeed.


I lined up my list and thought who would I like most in 
my business. The Olympian!

He was bright, athletic and intense. 

And he doesn’t quit!

I called him up and got him to meet with me.

I was so nervous that I could feel my heart beating 
against my rib cage.

I explained the business to him. 

Maybe there was still some doubt in my voice that this 
"network marketing" would really work. Maybe I didn’t 
build enough rapport. Maybe... maybe... I don't know what 
went wrong... But after I finished, he looked at me 
straight in the eyes and said...

"Tom. I think what you are doing is evil. I'm very 
familiar with these schemes. They are all a bunch of 
lies and they are spawned by Satan himself."

He continued, "If you contact me or anyone I know about 
this, I will make sure your reputation is ruined. I 
don't ever want to hear from you again".


What had I done? Am I really evil? Is this industry 
a scam? 

I respected this man so much... and now I'm no longer 
his friend. I was shaking as I got in the car and 
drove home.

When I arrived home, I jumped into bed and cried.

I stayed there for three days.


I was depressed. I wondered if I had made a big mistake 
in my life by believing in this industry. But then I 
started looking at the situation more clearly. 

Why am I listening to this guy?

Because he is an Olympic Silver Medallist?

That's second place.

And it's in sports, not business.

In fact, his business success was non-existent. He was 
as poor as I was.

And what person in their right mind treats people like 
he treated me? Why would I want to be friends with someone 
who was so mean to people?

I was getting mad. My big mistake wasn’t in believing in 
this industry it was in caring what he thinks. 

"I'm not going to let some mean-spirited runner-up tell 
me who I am", I said out loud. "I'm in charge of my life. 

I'm responsible for my destiny."

How could I have made the mistake of caring what he thinks.

He's not going to cry at my funeral. Why should I spend 
one more second worrying about his opinion of me.

The truth is, I KNOW that network marketing will work. 
The foundational principles of word-of-mouth, leverage 
and duplication are the most fundamental business 

EVERY industry uses these principles. Network marketing 
is the only one that let's the little guy take advantage 
of them!


Right then and there I DECIDED I was going all the way.

I developed an attitude that I was going to the top of 
the mountain or you would find me dead on the side of 
the road.

I didn't care if my downline quit. I'd find better ones.

I didn't care if my upline quit. I'd find better ones.

I didn't care if my company quit. I'd find a better one.

I didn't care what anyone thought. I was going to make 
it to the top and I was going to treat people with 

I would never steal anyone's dreams, like the runner- 
up tried to steal mine. If someone wanted to quit 
network marketing and start something else, I would 
believe in them.

If someone wanted to join my team and make it to the 
top, I'd believe in them.

I would do whatever I could to help people make it.

That's why I started this newsletter. It’s been free 
for 6 years.

I give away more training than most companies sell.

Because I know how important it is to have someone 
believe in you.


I kept at my chicken list.

And I kept working with my downlines' chicken lists.

We brought in the most incredible people. People 
with vision. People with belief. People with emotional 
fortitude. They have created residual fortunes. 
Empires of freedom!

None of my top people are Olympians.

They are ordinary people who have the Olympic spirit.

Their medal is the freedom they provide for their family.

Their fame is the day they walk across the stage with 
thousands of peers cheering them on for their business 

Their commitment is to help other people achieve their 

We are not dream stealers. We are dream builders!

We are the ultimate dream team.


I'm going to be personal here.

I shared with you a very tough time in my life. Not 
because I wanted to, but because I thought it might 
make a difference for you.

I don't know what you are going through in this industry.

I don't know the challenges you face in your life.

I am sure that they may seem insurmountable at times. 
But I want you to know something...

I want you to know that you can make it.

I want you to know that it MIGHT be easy for you... but 
even if it's hard... even if you work harder at this 
success than anything you’ve ever worked for.

It is so worth it.

You are next. You are the one I want to see make it 
to the top. You are the one who I want to see walk 
across the stage. With a huge smile. And inspiring words.

You are the one who will then help others get 
financial freedom.

Your pay day is coming.

Are you ready for the challenge?!

Make it happen...

With passion...
Tom Wood

P.S. Some AMAZING things are about to happen at 
TheDuplicator. You are about to make more money
and get more leads and more training than you
ever imagined! 

Copyright 2001 Thomas P. Wood, Inc. and
Copy freely, in full, with copyright notice attached.
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