Where Has All Your Energy Gone?


"Where Has All Of Your Energy Gone?"

How's your network marketing business been lately? Have you been
prospecting? How about those follow-up calls, have you been making them?
(Tell the truth.)

Okay, okay, I know, it's been a tough road. And I'll bet that you know
lots of reasons why you can't bring yourself to do the things you know
you ought to be doing.

Or do you?

In the profession of virtual coaching there's a term called "Energy
Sappers." What's that?

Ask yourself these questions:

What happens when we allow clutter (clothing in need of repair or
updating, hubcap on car is missing, a messy garage or desk, burned out
light bulbs, etc.) to accumulate in our lives?

What happens when we allow people to make unpleasant remarks to us, tell
us jokes we don't appreciate, annoy us by smoking, popping chewing gum,
talking too much or yelling at us?

What happens when we allow things in our past to remain undone,
incomplete or unresolved?

What are the long-range consequences of tolerating anything that annoys
us day after day, year after year?

Yep, our energy level is sapped.

We can never operate in network marketing at our full potential and lead
a balanced and successful life when certain things (and people) drain
our energy.

Try this exercise recommended by celebrity coach, Cheryl Richardson:

Sit down in a quiet place, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and
relax. Notice where your energy flows. What are you worried about? Is
your energy taking you back to someone that made you angry last week?
What have you been meaning to take care of? Have you prepared your will?
Are you paying your fair share of taxes? Are you concerned about
something in the future? Is there a conversation you need to have with
your sponsor, a friend or your mother?

Notice what gets your attention and steals your precious energy.

Now imagine that you can actually handle each one of those "tolerations"
and eliminate them out of your life completely. Do you know what will
happen then?

You'll have more energy, freedom and a more exciting life. You'll create
more space in your life that will make room for more opportunities,
better relationships and (yes) more success in NWM.

Listen, we all have the ability to attract the things in life we really
want: relationships, wealth, love and the ability to influence and
impact others. We all have our own natural power and energy. We just
need to know how to tap into it, that's all.

So, how do you begin to remove the things from your life that sap your
energy level? Well, here's a start:

Exercise: Make up a written list of every irritation, annoyance or
toleration you can think of. (Most people can come up with over 100.)
Narrow them down to the top ten and slowly begin to eliminate them one
at a time. Then repeat the process.

Note: Sometimes you can group them and eliminate several at one time.
For example, you change companies or leave a bad relationship that will
eliminate stress, sarcastic remarks, criticisms, hype and yelling.

Here's a list of Energy Sappers that professional coaches suggest you

Eliminate tolerations and annoyances in your life.

Set boundaries that tell people they can't mess with you.

Get more than you actually need of space, time, money and love.

Raise your personal standards by systematically improving the hundreds
of small areas in your life.
For to find out more about "Energy Sappers," you might want to check out
our "Leadership Coaching" Home Study Program.


Sales and Marketing Quiz:

"What is the most cost effective way to train a group of dispersed
network marketers?"

a. Meet at a conference
b. Meet over the Internet
c. Meet by teleconference
d. Meet at a family reunion

(Answer at the end of this newsletter)

FREE Training TeleClass:

You can learn (for free) some simple language formulas that are so
powerful, they will actually cause your prospects to sell themselves on
your products and your network marketing business.

This is a 55-minute teleconference program (TeleClass) that will
introduce you to my 8-week "Selling By Attraction" Program.

In this sample TeleClass, you will learn:

How to attract only the very best leaders to your business.

How to make prospecting and presenting natural, fun and downright
irresistible to your prospects.

Powerful questions that cause your prospects to talk themselves into
buying your products and/or enrolling into your business. (Warning: You
may become upset because you didn't know these questions existed before
this class.)
For date/time and to register for a sample training session, CLICK HERE.

You will receive (by email) a confirmation message with the
teleconference bridge number to call and a description of the program.


"Powerful Questions"

"If I can show you a way that you can spend more time with your children
and earn as much money as you do now, would you have any interest?"

"Suppose you discovered a way to have your own business at a fraction of
what most businesses cost, would you find that attractive?"

"Would you be able to set aside ten to fifteen hours a week to devote to
a home-based business if you felt it would provide you with a
significant retirement income?"
NOTE: If you like the above questions, you can get 276 of them. They're
on handy 3X5 cards so you can take them with you on presentations. Use
them to train your downline, too. This program is satisfaction

For more information, CLICK HERE.


Answer to Quiz:

("What is the most cost effective way to train a group of dispersed
network marketers?")

C. Meet by teleconference

For the price of a long distance call, you can host meetings, conduct
training classes, organize mastermind sessions and attend special
conferences. That means no traveling, no expensive hotels, no crummy
restaurant meals or laundry bills. Hey, you can come to a TeleClass in
your underwear.

MLM University rents out its state-of-the-art teleconference bridge
system for a fraction of what you'd pay for normal teleconferencing. Up
to 150 participants can be on a call at a time.

CLICK HERE for more information on renting an MLM University
teleconference bridge line.


Until the next issue...

Hilton Johnson,
The MLM Coach™

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