What To Do....Week Four


Things always seem harder when they're new.
Relax, have fun. 

Network marketing and this business is fun, if you put pressure on yourself, it's going to cease to be 

fun, and your drive to build a business will diminish. 



How To Build Your Residual Income


One of the most attractive features of your business at HealthyPetNet is the lucrative opportunity to 

build a massive ongoing income. 


Getting a lot of customers for your business is great. Be sure you understand thoroughly what 

Autoship is and can explain it easily to your potential customers. Once you get a customer, get them 

to go on Autoship as soon as possible. 


It's a great deal for them and for you.




Network Marketing is about building a Network of Reps under you and then teaching them the 

same HPN system you are learning. 


Spend a good portion of your time seeking Field Reps. An excellent Field Rep will make you far 

more money than a good customer in the long run. 


Know this: At least a minimum of 75% of your time should be spent talking with people if you want 

to quickly build a big downline of Field Reps. 


J. Paul Getty, the oil tycoon said, "I would rather have 1% of 100 people's efforts, than 100% 

of my own efforts."



Email Dave about where to find the best opportunity leads!




Once you get a good Field Rep, do everything possible to help that person learn the business.
Communicate, Communicate, Communicate. 


Always be positive, point out the good things they are doing, encourage them.


Be A Leader 


Don't be a person who constantly is looking for faults and pointing them
out. You can do this and you can be a great leader.




For Future Reference..... Recommended Reading:


*   "Learn To Earn"  by Jack Zufelt

      This is a 4 tape series that I highly, strongly urge you to purchase if you are serious

      about building a very healthy income and becoming a successful network marketer.


      Click Me To Learn More


*   "How To Sell Anything To Anybody" by Joe Girard.

*   "Your First Year In Network Marketing" by Mark Yarnell 


*   "The Ultimate MLM Blueprint for Massive Success" by David Ledoux 

      Get this one online here: http://choosetoprosper.com/ilovemlm 


*   "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David Schwartz 


*   "Don't Worry, Make Money" by Richard Carlson 


*   "Prosperity, The Choice Is Yours" e-zine 

      Subscriptions are free online here: http://choosetoprosper.com 



Write or call me if you have any questions or comments:
Dave Cole 

Copyright © 2003 

724 - 966 - 5374



As a Field Rep for HealthyPetNet, you are now not only in the business of helping pets stay 

healthy, you are also in the business of helping other people make their dreams for a better 

future come true. 


That's Exciting! 


And that should constantly remind you that you are not a salesperson.

You are a person who is talking to people about how they can create a wonderful future for
themselves. You see, when you talk with people about becoming Reps, you're not trying to get them
to spend money, you're trying to get them to see how this is a very attractive Investment in their
own life!





We need to talk about the exact steps it takes to "close" a sale or have a person become a 

Field Rep. 


These are steps that you must follow in order to give the most effective presentation. 


Step 1.  Establish A Harmonious Relationship.    Network Marketing is also called "Relationship Marketing."
Basically what we need to do in this first step is to build a relationship with this person. They
need to gain a trust in you as a person. Remember, you're asking one of the most difficult things to
ask of another person, to give up a portion of their hard earned money. 


If you're making "cold calls" this first step is critical. Also, you are in the process of learning as 

much as you can about this person. They may not be a qualified candidate for your time. 


Your time is precious and you need to learn to spend that time wisely, and only with people who 

deserve it. 


How long does it take to establish a relationship? That depends, it may take 15 minutes, it may take
several calls or contacts. But whatever you do, make sure you earn this person's respect and trust
==> BEFORE <== you ever try to sell them anything.


Talking about their pets is one of the best ways you will ever find in getting that person to open
up to you and in you getting to know them.

Always be honest, sincere, and genuine. 


One of the most important things you can do is ==>  Be Yourself!


People don't care how much you know, until you show them how much you care. And remember, 

this is a person you are going to be working with for a long time, find a suitable match for you. 


It's hard to have a good business relationship with someone you really don't like. Get the person to start
talking by asking them questions. Ask where they live, about their jobs, what they would like to do
in the future, and about their pets. 


People love to talk about themselves, and about their pets!


 Be a very good listener, interact with the person only enough to keep the conversation flowing. 

They really don't want to hear a long winded story from you.


Step 2    Qualify Your Prospect 


Why should you waste your time giving the rest of your presentation if the person will not ever 

want to join or be a customer? 


Some things that will help you qualify your prospect are: Do they really care about
pets? Do they have the time to devote to a business? Do they have the Desire to do what it
takes? Do they have the expendable cash needed? Do they have a vision for their future? 


Desire is the most important. 


You can work with a person who really, really wants a better life, yet has little cash to begin. 


Hunger, are they hungry for that life. Are they willing to do whatever it takes to get it. 


It is very important that you find out their core desires! 


What does this person really, really want in life. More money, a more satisfying career, more 

time? Find that out....then show them how our opportunity can help them achieve it.



Step 3   Create Value 


Deliver your presentation with enthusiasm and excitement. 


Talk about the High Quality of your products, the excellence and integrity of Dr. Jane, the deep 

level of commitment HealthyPetNet has in the top leadership positions, talk about HPN's vision 

for the future, share a personal testimonial of how the products have helped your pet. 


Above all have a passion and 100% belief in the product and/or in the quality of the program. 



You can make mistakes in the compensation plan or forget the owners name,.....but if you have 

that excitement and passion in your delivery, you will have increased your chances tremendously. 



Have a serious commitment in your voice. People desire to follow a leader, someone who knows 

where they're going......Be that leader!



Step 4     Create Desire 


People are motivated by mainly 2 emotions. The fear of loss and the desire for gain. 

In step 1 you should have found out this person's "hot buttons." What motivates them? A
person with 3 cars, a boat, and 2 homes is not someone who you can motivate by 

showing them a better future. 


You have to motivate them by showing how their job can be lost tomorrow, how
there is zero security in working for someone else. Just the opposite for someone who has
little, get them to start thinking about what their future could be. Create a vision in their
minds of what they want.



Step 5   Overcome Objections 


If you have done a sufficient job of learning about, qualifying, and then presenting, you will get 

very few objections, because you will have learned to Already overcome those objections in the 

learning or presentation steps. 


One of the best ways to go into a presentation is to be prepared before hand. Know
up front what the major objections will be.

Prepare at least 3 ways you can overcome each objection and know what you will say when the
objections come. We will talk extensively about objections in the next page of this series.


Step 6   Close 


This is simple. If the person is a customer, give them your Web address or the order number. 

If they order by phone, give them your ID number. If the person is to become a Field Rep,
send them to the Web site, tell them where to go and to write down their ID number when it 

is given to them. 


If you can be there to help them fill the application out. If you have a person who has
exhibited sufficient interest and you're really un-sure how to close, or don't know the answer to
some of their questions, then by all means do a 3 way with your upline.




Step 7    Follow Up 


This Is Important! Within 24 hours call that person or e-mail them. What do all buyers get
after they make a purchase?.....buyers remorse.

Be there and tell them they made the right decision. Ensure them you will be there to help
them get started. Encourage them to immediately begin learning about their new business. 

Please make sure that person has been properly signed up.




Overcoming Objections



If you are getting a lot of objections late in your presentation, you have not done a sufficient 

enough job in either pre- qualifying your prospect, have not given them enough information or 

created enough excitement, or have not overcame their objections earlier in your conversations. 


The major objections you will hear for becoming a Field Rep are: I can't afford it;

I don't have the time;  I don't know enough people;  I can't do this;  This is mlm;

This is a pyramid;  I tried it before and didn't have any luck.


There are a few others, but these are the major ones. Also understand, many people will give you
an objection as the above and it may not even be the real reason. 


A good many people are scared. They're afraid they can't do this, but would never
tell you that. That's why talking about pets is so unique. Get the person to talk about a pet in
the relationship building stage. Let them tell you as much as they can about their pet. Encourage
them to talk about it. 


Now you have an excellent point to come out with....."Mary, see how easy it is to get people to 

talk about their pets?" Then tell them about how pets are a non-threatening subject and how 

people simply love to talk about their pets when they won't talk about anything else. 


Enjoy this part of the conversation, put a little laughter in your talk. 


It makes the person feel secure and shows them how easy it really is to do. This immediately 

e-fuses that basic fear they have of not being able to talk with other people. In your relationship 

building step, you have just overcame a major objection!




Things Never To Do:



1.   Never argue with your prospect.
You may win the battle of the egos, but you will surely lose a chance at what could be a very
healthy residual income from them. 


2.   Never attack the person personally when overcoming objections. 

Don't make them feel stupid or low class. Empathize with their situation but don't sympathize 

with them. 


If you attack them, all you will end up doing is having a war of the egos.
People love to test you. Be in control and don't give in to your emotions. 


Lead the prospect to overcome their own objections. Give them new info or talk about the 

business from a different angle. If at all possible let them be the one to come up with a solution. 



3.   Don't take offense to anything or any objections the person may say to you. Learn to keep 

your emotions out of the conversation.


Be Prepared


If you're afraid of getting objections, you're not prepared. Anticipate objections and incorporate
solutions early in the presentation. Get to the place where you actually welcome objections. 


You build confidence by being prepared beforehand and by being in control at all times, not pushy 

and not over bearing, but by knowing you have the answers to back you up. People by nature will
stall. We're asking them to step out of their comfort zone and to actually make a commitment.



7 Steps to Overcoming Objections


Step 1. Hear Them Out
If they have any objections, let the person tell you. Listening to them shows that person you care.
Don't provide solutions, just listen. Have confidence in yourself. If you are still learning
and un-sure you can do this, then try to get a 3 way call with your upline. 



Step 2.  Restate The Objection 

Simply state the objection back to them so they can hear it in a different tone of voice. 



Step 3.  Expound On It "Mary, tell me how you can't afford an initial investment as
small as this in return for a non-stop residual income for life?" The more a person talks about
their objection, the more you can learn about how to better overcome it. 



Step 4.  Isolate It 

Make sure this is the "real" objection. Ask, "Mary, if you had the money, is there anything 

other reason that would stop you from joining today?" 



Step 5  Answer The Objection 

This is where your preparation before hand comes in. You already have 3 or 4 answers/angles 

to each major objection.


Step 6   Have the Prospect Agree Their Objection Has Been Answered. 

Make them agree that you have appeased their concern. 



Step 7   Go To The Close or do a 3 way call.


You will not ever close every single person, but by using these steps, and making every 

effort to overcome their objections in your presentation, you will
greatly increase your closing rate. 



Have fun, 

Dave Cole 

Copyright © 2003


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