How You Can

Achieve Your Vision

in Life


Are Complications Keeping You Stuck?
By Jennifer Ottolino

Do you ever notice that life seems excessively complicated? Do
you ever wonder why? Because we make it complicated. Many of us
have been taught that things are suppose to be complicated, that
things are suppose to be a struggle, that things are painful and
that this is how we grow. But in actuality, this is what keeps us
stuck, standing in place, and distracted from creating the life
we want. All these complications are covering up who you are, and
what you want. 

Here are a list of common complications and some strategies
to remove them from your life. Removing roadblocks will create
opportunities to take your life in the direction you choose.

1. Time- this is the number one complication that we throw up. We
don't have time to exercise, we don't have time to clean out our
closet, and we don't have time to spend with ourselves. How much
time did you spend last week on activities that don't have
meaning for you? Why aren't you as important? Make a commitment
to yourself by starting small and take 15 minutes each and every
day to work on whatever has been on your mind.

2. Clutter- it is so easy to get sucked into clutter and lose
everything else along the way. Clutter keeps you distracted by
taking up space and energy. We can't pay attention to what we
want when we are in a chaotic environment. Start removing clutter
from a small space, preferably the most favorite place in your
home. Do you feel the easing in your body? Do you start to
gravitate towards that spot? Do you feel a sense of peace? Keep
expanding the circle so that your home becomes your haven.

3. To Do's- how can we focus on the big picture when we have a
continuous list of details taking our focus? Get rid of the to do
list. You will not forget what is important and needs to be
accomplished. We tell ourselves that we have to do all these
activities in order to sustain our lives but it is just a
distraction. If it is a chore and you don't feel like doing it,
why are you forcing yourself? Start by getting rid of at least
one to do and work your way up from there.

4. Struggle- this is both a sign and a symptom. Most of us are
taught that struggle is normal and necessary to move forward. Is
this really the case? When things are easy and flowing in our
life, good things happen. When you are struggling, things don't
go your way. So when you start to struggle it is a sign that you
are working against your intentions. Use struggle as a clue for
what is not working for you in your life right now.

5. Guilt- we use guilt for all sorts of reasons. Guilt is a very
powerful emotion; it gets in our way and prevents us from moving
forward. We use guilt as a way to keep good things from happening
to us. Ask yourself why don't you think you deserve good things
in your life? What can you do to change your perception? Examine
your guilt, is it something you have control over? What is the
root cause?

6. Saying yes- helping people is a wonderful character trait, but
sometimes it gets in the way. Helping people can also be a way of
avoiding what you need to do in your own life. Sometimes you have
to say no. It is difficult to work on your life if you are always
putting the needs of others before your own.

7. Over scheduling- somewhere along the way we have convinced
ourselves that every second of our lives have to be planned out.
It is hard to put our focus to new things when we have every
second from morning till night filled. When we go on autopilot
and are just busy doing we sometimes lose sight of the fact that
some of our actives no longer fit us. Examine your activities.
How do they serve you? Look at your schedule. Does it still make
sense? Are you in a rut? Where are the opportunities to break out?

8. Shoulds- the never-ending list of all the things we should do.

It's tiring just thinking about it. Here is a question, why? Why
do you have to do all these things? Who tells you that this is
the requirement? We have choices in life. Examine yours. Do
things because you want to do them, not because you think you
have to or you should do.

9. Limiting Beliefs- we have many beliefs in life, both good and
bad. Awareness of your beliefs is a key factor to changing them.
A lot of times we are not even aware that we have a belief that
is limiting our ability to move forward because they are so much
a part of us it feels like who we are. Start to notice how you
think about things and situations. Do you notice a pattern? When
you see the pattern determine the belief behind it. How does that
belief serve you both positively and negativity? Is there a
different way to look at it? One that fits more with who you are
and where you want to go.

10. Negative Self-Talk- the terrible things you say to yourself
are getting in your way. Ask yourself, would you ever talk to
another person the way you talk to yourself? All of that negative
self-talk wears you down and zaps your energy. It is very
difficult to work up the energy to change your life when you keep
bringing yourself down. Start to become conscious of the things
you say to yourself. Start to shift your thinking to thoughts
that serve you better.

Removing roadblocks is an essential step to creating your vision
for your life or business. Roadblocks get in your way and drain
your energy and distract you from what you are really want.
Remove them and you will begin to envision a path to walk down.

Jennifer Ottolino is a Personal and Professional Coach who works
with individuals to eliminate blocks to success. Jennifer works
with people who are ready to remove obstacles and grab hold of
the successful life they deserve. You can visit her website at and discover articles, tips, and strategies
designed to enhance your life purpose, or subscribe to her
monthly newsletter at

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