Sponsor Confirmation of New Member Subject: New Downline Member for Your Prosperity Site GOOD JOB! This person has just signed up from your Prosperity web site. ~name~ mailto:~email~ ~country~ As a responsible course member, you realize how important it is for you to contact this person immediately! Begin to take a genuine interest in this person. They are not a dollar sign, they are a human being who has real needs and fears about having a new business. They need to have some quick reassurance that they have done the right thing. Treat them with respect, offer your unlimited support, let that person know quickly you are there for them. It's a proven fact that being a professional friend to folks first generates sales in the future. Build a relationship. They will be much more inclined to join the businesses under you when they know they can trust you and your judgement first! And, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!! We're really proud of you, Dave