Using Your

Power of



One Thought At A Time
By: Brian Tracy

The incredible thing about your subconscious mind is that it
cannot tell the difference between something that you vividly imagine
– such as a goal, a hope or a dream – and a real experience. For
example, if you go to an automobile dealership and take your dream car
for a drive, and, as you drive along, you imagine you already own
that car, and you create the feeling of enjoyment that would accompany
your being the proud possessor of that beautiful machine, your
subconscious mind simply accepts that the car belongs to you.

It doesn’t argue; it doesn’t complain; it doesn’t try to change
your instructions. It simply tries to make your instructions a reality.

Visualize What You Really Want

Think of your subconscious mind as a photo lab and your
conscious mind as a camera, or a photographer. Your conscious mind takes
pictures of what you want and passes the film to the photo lab,
your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind then develops the
pictures and passes them back up to your reality. 

The photo lab doesn’t argue with you over the content of the film that you
sent to it. It simply develops the photographs exactly as you saw them
through the lens of your mind’s eye.

Design Your Dream Home

Does visualization work? Well, here’s an exercise that has
worked for me and might work for you.

Everyone I know wants to have his “dream home.” The first
problem with obtaining a dream home is that most people have never even
sat down to think about what it would look like.

Many years ago, when my wife, Barbara, and I were going through
 financial difficulties, we began putting together a composite
of our dream home. We subscribed to magazines full of beautiful
pictures and descriptions of lovely homes for sale. We cut out pictures
and descriptions that were consistent with what we were looking for. 

We discussed our dream home at great length. We went to open
houses in the best neighborhoods in the city. We looked at beautiful,
expensive homes and at the details and furnishings in them. We
read Architectural Digest and House Beautiful. We eventually
came up with a mutually agreed on composite of what our dream home
would look like.

Take Action On Your Dreams

Within a year after beginning this exercise, we moved from a
rented home to a beautiful home that we had purchased. It wasn’t quite
 what we had in mind, but we both recognized at the time that it
was merely a stepping-stone to what we really wanted. A year later,
after looking at 150 houses in different cities, we walked into a
home that was for sale, took one look around and, without speaking, both
knew that we had found it. This was the home that we had been
looking for.

Be Prepared To Pay The Price

It cost twice as much as we ever had imagined paying for a
house, and it required a good deal of renovation to make it conform to
the mental pictures we had developed. Nonetheless, we bought it,
renovated it, repainted it, furnished it and landscaped the
grounds exactly as we had imagined. And it all began to come together
after we had carefully crafted a clear mental picture of what it would look
like when it was done.

Be Clear About What You Want

What is your mental picture of your dream house or dream car,
or dream vacation or relationship? When you are clear, your
subconscious will bring it into your life.

Action Exercises
Here are three things you can do immediately to put these ideas
into action:

First, begin today to design your dream house. Be crystal clear
about every detail and keep feeding the picture into your
subconscious mind every day until it becomes a reality.

Second, refuse to imagine or visualize a problem or situation
that you don’t want to come true. Your subconscious mind develops
whatever pictures you supply it - so be careful.

Third, cut out pictures of things you want in your life and
look at these pictures carefully, taking in every detail. You’ll be
amazed at what starts to happen.

Brian Tracy

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