Prosperity: The Choice is Yours -- Taking Home The Gold
Prosperity: The Choice is Yours -- Taking Home The Gold
 September, 2000

What do you see?


What did you see? Opportunity is NO WHERE or did you see OPPORTUNITY IS NOW HERE?

Friends, opportunity is now here and opportunity is everywhere. Everywhere you look there is an opportunity just waiting for you to embrace.

What do you see when you pull up to a traffic light? Do you see a stop light or do you see a go light? They are both the same but what does your mind tell you it is? The light stays green the same amount of time that it stays red. So why does everybody call it a stop light.

We have been conditioned by people in our past to only see things a certain way.

If you want to know a little secret, you must change some of your thought patterns and begin seeing what is really in your life, instead of looking at what those old thought patterns are telling you is there.

Whenever you meet a person, the conditioned response that you usually hear is, "hi, how are you doing?" How many people really care to know how you are doing, or are they just reacting to a conditioned response? I always take them by surprise because I reply back, "Do you really want to know," or, "how long do you have to listen."

They are so used to hearing okay or I'm fine, that they actually have to change their thought patterns and think for themselves and make a reply.

Begin to watch through out your day, how many of your words and thoughts are actually conditioned responses. Begin to think for yourself!

Life At Home:

After the All Stars were over, I got together a team of boys from our home town of 13 year olds. Since it was into late August we had a hard time finding other teams to play us, but we did get into 1 tournament.

My team played 4 games and won all 4, winning the tournament. As a manager, I now had to focus my attention on several aspects of the game I normally wouldn't have watched as a fan.

In our first game we made a lot of errors. As I watched the boys, it became apparent that the errors were made because their attention was distracted at the last moment before they caught or threw the ball. They were thinking about something else, rather than thinking about what they were supposed to be doing.

I began to teach the boys to focus all their attention first and foremost on catching the ball and then after they caught it to change that center of attention to the throwing target.

It worked. In the following games we had only 1 error. (unfortunately, my son made it, but....)

So what does this have to do with marketing? Focus your attention to doing only 1 thing at a time. If we are dividing our attention into separate fields, we won't be nearly as effective as we could be and the result will be errors and confusion.

One of the batting drills I give the kids is for me to hold a ball in the palm of my hand and let them hit it. If their attention is focused on not hitting my hand, they will invariably end up hitting my hand.

You can't focus your attention on what you don't want to have happen!!! You must focus on what you DO want to have happen!!!

When the boys see only the ball, and not my hand, they always hit the ball. If you focus on what you want to avoid, what you want to avoid will be what happens.

You see what they were deliberately trying to avoid happen (hitting my hand), is what would happen a good many times.

We had a situation arise late in one of the first games where one boy was up to bat with the bases loaded. This boy had been struggling all year long with the bat, but I believed in him and asked him to play for us, he had some good potential as a ball player.

Well, he ended up striking out. After the game I took him aside and asked him what had been going through his mind when he was up to bat.

He said, "I was thinking don't strike out."

We made an adjustment to his thinking pattern, trying to get him to believe he could do it and to only think, hit the ball instead of thinking about what he wanted to avoid happening.

Two games later, the same situation arose with the bases loaded and this boy up to bat. On the third pitch he hit a line drive shot to left field. Unfortunately it was right at the fielder, but I was so pleased that he had turned his thought pattern around and focused on what he wanted to have happen instead of thinking about what he wanted to avoid.

The ability to totally concentrate on 1 thing at a time and not allow distractions to enter, is the one key difference between great athletes and mediocre ones. It works the same whether your playing ball, managing a team, marketing, or living your life.


In an independent study by WebCMO conducted in July to determine the most effective advertising strategy, here are the results: (rated on a scale of 0 to 5, the higher the number the more effective the method)

Search Engines 3.35
Solicited or opt-in email 3.34
Offline advertising 3
Banner advertising 2.85
Discussion forums 2.83
Newsgroups 2.46
Spam 1.83

Why they didn't list e-zines, I don't know, but see what I'm telling you about the effectiveness of e-mailings.


Folks, many of you have written me about how to get a high ranking on search engines. I am not an expert in this matter, so decline to answer any questions, other than to get an expert to do it for you. For those of you who run web sites and desire higher rankings, I would like for you to consider sending your URL to Clay Parker.

Mr. Parker has some excellent software that will go over your web page and tell him exactly what needs to be fixed to obtain a higher ranking. Mr. Parker has also offered to do this service, contact you with the results, make the necessary repairs, and submit your site to 1500 search engines, all for free to the Prosperity course members.

He does ask that you purchase 3 months advertising in his excellent e-zine. The rates he offers are low and will get you good results. It's a total win-win situation for both parties.

Please tell him Dave sent you. His e-zine is free and well worth subscribing to, and I am a guest columnist from time to time there. Subscribe at:

When you contact him, he will also need to know whether your site is one that you maintain or is an affiliate site.

What do you see?

As always, have fun and enjoy your life, it's God's great gift to you.


We certainly wish to thank and welcome all new subscribers for joining us and hope that your reading will not only be fun, but also an adventure. Every reader is encouraged to send a copy of this e-zine to any person they feel would be interested in reading it.

Please feel free to write me with any comments or questions you may have regarding any part of this publication or the Prosperity course.


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