Prosperity: The Choice is Yours
 December 15, 2001

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Index of articles by Dave Cole

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The Making Of A Champion

In 1933, Art Rooney spent $2,500 and purchased the National Football League's 5th team. The team was originally called the Pittsburgh Pirates, then the Pittsburgh Steelers.

For the next 40 years, Rooney's team was virtually the laughing stock of the NFL. They had a few seasons that were winners, but for the most part, basically if you were a Steeler fan, you didn't have much to brag about.

In 1969, Art Rooney hired a former Cleveland Browns player and former Los Angeles Charger and Baltimore Colts line and defensive coach named Chuck Noll.

Noll became head coach of a team that had never won a division or league title, and had finished the previous season with a pitiful 1 win, 12 loss record. The situation was dire for the new head coach.

Becoming head coach of the worst team in the league was not exactly a position of distinction, but for Chuck Noll, it was a position of challenge. Noll wasn't worried, he focused his thoughts on the positive and developed a plan to rebuild the team.

The only bright spot was.... the Steelers were able to have the very first pick in the NFL player draft. This fit Noll's plan perfectly. He wanted to build a team comprised of young players with potential he could personally teach.

His first pick in the 1969 draft was an almost unknown from North Texas State named Joe Greene. The next year he drafted players such as Terry Bradshaw, and Mel Blount. In 1971 Jack Ham, Dwight White, and Mike Wagner. In 1972 Franco Harris. In 1974 Lynn Swann, John Stallworth, Jack Lambert, and Mike Webster.

Every one of those went on to become All Pro and 9 out of those 12 are now enshrined in the NFL's Football Hall of Fame.

The first year Noll led the Steelers, they only won 5 games, but as Noll said that was 100% improvement on the previous year. In 71 they won 6 games, but Noll's plan was now starting to work and it wouldn't be long before his patience paid off big time for the Steeler organization.

In 1972 the Steelers won their first division title in 4 decades and the rest is history. In 74 they won their first of 6 consecutive division titles, and their first of 4 Super Bowl wins. Noll is the only coach ever to win 4 Super Bowls, and when he retired was the 5th winning-est coach of all time.

Noll and the Steelers became World Champions because Chuck Noll had the patience and foresight to look long term.

His big thing was to teach players step by step how he wanted things done. He considered practice to be as important as the game itself.

Chuck Noll never considered himself as a great coach. In fact he said, "I'm a teacher. Players win, coaches teach. I teach." He was more proud of his ability to develop players into their full potential than he was of his accomplishments in the win - loss column.

Chuck Noll built his World Championship team one player at a time. He looked for players with potential and desire to become the best. Then he merely taught them the proper fundamentals.

Network Marketing is exactly the same. We look for people who have potential, and people who have the desire.

To be a successful Network Marketer, it doesn't take an honor roll student, it doesn't take any big amount of prior experience, in fact I'd just as soon have someone who knows very little, but is teachable.

Anyone with a true desire to learn and develop into their full potential can be an excellent player in the game of Network Marketing. I can teach anyone the duplicable system that Network Marketing offers, it's just like showing a Joe Greene or Terry Bradshaw the fundamentals of football.

Chuck Noll's draft picks weren't the best that the colleges had to offer at the time.....but all had the desire to become World Champions.

Do you have the desire to attain financial and time freedom?

If so, read this site and get back to me:




“If I can do it, anybody else can, if they really want to.
But you gotta want to!”

~ Frank Garon ~


Mean Joe Greene

Back in 1969 Steeler fans wanted to know, who in the world was Joe Greene, and why on earth would the Steelers pick a player from an obscure southern school with no big name..... and why would they ever pick a defensive lineman when they so desperately needed help on offense.

Noll's first round draft pick only made small press by the media across the country. The Pittsburgh papers made a bigger deal of it, but not always in a kind way.

Nobody really took Noll and Greene seriously, the fans just figured they were in for another decade of mediocrity at best.

It took real courage and absolute belief for Noll to stand by his plan to rebuild. But he had a dream and a vision for the future of Pittsburgh football and he never, ever gave in to the critics who constantly second guessed his decisions.

Under the guidance of Noll, Joe Greene became the most feared defensive tackle of the 70's and perhaps of all time.

The Steelers, a team that was known for their weakness, became the team that opponents were afraid to face.

In a consensus of sports writers who saw all 34 Super Bowl games, they voted Chuck Noll to head the all time Super Bowl team, and Joe Greene as the best defensive tackle to ever play in the Super Bowls.

Mean Joe Greene was the main actor in what is one of the best all time commercials on TV.


“The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much more important than the events that occur.”

~ Vince Lombardi ~


Don't You Ever Give Up

"When things go wrong as they sometimes will
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill.
When funds are low and the debts are high.
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit.
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns.
As everyone of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out:

Don't give up though the pace seems slow -
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out -
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
And you never can tell how close you are.
It may be near when it seems so far:
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things seem worst that you must not QUIT.

Author Unkown


"Network Marketing is like the game of football. You can't score a touchdown and win the game, unless you first decide to get off the bench and into the game."

~ Dave Cole ~


The Health Benefits of Having a Pet

Compared to non-pet owners:

* People who own pets typically visit the doctor less often and use less medication.

* Pet owners, on average, have lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure.

* Pet owners recover more quickly from illness and surgery.

* Pet owners deal better with stressful situations.

* Pet owners are less likely to report feeling lonely.


"Success seems to be connected with action.
Successful men keep moving.
They make mistakes, but they don't quit."

~ Conrad Hilton ~


The Wisdom of Frank Garon

It's sad, really.

Top affiliate marketing experts tell you that only 1 out of 100 affiliates ever really do anything with the business.

Yet, they tell everyone how much money they can make as an affiliate!

Do you see a problem here?

Having a 1% chance of success is not the kind of business I want to start. That's even worse than the average retail business...No thanks. It's a good thing you don't have to accept those odds.

Those odds are for the average "Joe." Let me tell you how the average Joe markets the affiliate program ... including their thought process.

They see an affiliate program paying 50% commission and their mind jumps to attention. They can make $50 off every $100 sale...They don't have to write any ads...and all they have to do is follow the step- by-step system already laid out for them.

In other words, they don't even have to think either! They jump at the chance and sign up for Free.

They get the instructions emailed to them from the affiliate manager. The instructions tell them to take this 5 line ad and place it in ezines. So they say, "OK, I can afford $40 for an ad." They place the ad and one sale occurs. Good. They at least made a $10 profit.

They say, "Hmmm, maybe that ezine just wasn't that good." So they place two more ads for $75 and $100. One of these ads does well and makes 2 sales. They earned a $25 profit (paying $75 for the ad). The second ad only made one sale. They lost $50 on this one (since they paid $100 for the ad). They have now made 4 sales, and have lost a total $15.

They give up on this affiliate program in frustration. They join another affiliate program hoping this one will be the answer. Maybe that last one just didn't sell well enough.

This new affiliate program tells you to place "Pay -Per-Click" search engine advertising. He says, "Yes, that's the answer. They had me placing the wrong advertising!"

Average "Joe" now spends all day coming up with keywords. He finds out that there aren't many 1 penny opportunities out there anymore...and that you have to spend 10 cents, 20 cents, or more for most of the keywords. So he ends up paying $100 the first month for clickthroughs and makes 3 sales.

This affiliate program pays the same commission so this adds up to $50 in profit. The same amount of clickthroughs occur the next month, but only 2 sales occur. So, average Joe just breaks even this month.

So average Joe gives up on this affiliate program and joins a new one. This time average "Joe" says, "I know the secret now. I have to only use Free advertising." So Joe spends 10 hours writing his first article and sends it out to ezines. One of them runs the article and 1 sale occurs. So average "Joe" earns $50.

The only problem is that this breaks down to only $5 an hour once you count the amount of time spent to produce this sale. Average "Joe" could have done a lot better working overtime at his job!

So average "Joe" says forget it to the whole idea...

Let's take a look at what happened. Sometimes money would be made. Other times money was lost. Do you notice who makes a profit no matter what happens...and never has to risk a penny?

That's right. The affiliate manager makes money no matter what!

The average affiliate may earn or lose money. The affiliate manager only pays them when they generate a profit. So the affiliate manager wins on the deal whether the advertising system they write up for their affiliates works well or not.

The deck is stacked against the average affiliate. They only had a 1% chance of playing this game and winning.

Let's change the odds.

Frank Garon


Frank and Terry Dean have put together an excellent seminar on building a business that is available to our readers on tape. If you want quality instruction from two of the best, go here:

As editor of this e-zine, I could not agree more with the above words from our good friend Frank. Over and over and over Frank and Terry Dean will tell you, order for you to have a decent chance and to make serious must be involved in a quality and proven business.

There are several really good ones out there. Here're the Top Picks we recommend:

A Great one for pet lovers

We also recognize that not all of the above businesses will be suitable for all of our readers.

As a special service for our readers, here are some that I whole heartedly endorse, but are not personally involved with.

I have personal friends who are in each of these top quality programs. These, plus ours will give you about the best you can find and all offer you about the best chance of really making a go of it online.

If you're interested in finding out about any of the above, or below businesses, please write me and I will put you in contact with the right person who will make sure you become successful with that business.

PrePaid Legal
Herbal Life
Free Life International
Mary Kay

My personal advice: Go with one or more of the above programs if you are serious about making a decent income online. They are all proven and top quality.


"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."

~ Michael Jordon ~


On The Web

Why Do People Surf?

According to a recent poll that was published in Entrepreneur magazine, here's what gets surfers to stop at a particular Web site:

59% More Product Information
28% Product Purchase Suggestions
26% Fast Loading Pages
12% M-commerce capability

It's Safe to Use Your Credit Card Online

According to a recent editorial in the Wall Street Journal, here's the most important thing you need to know about using your credit card online.

If a hacker steals your credit card number and runs up your bill, the Most you will be out is $50. Thats a Federal law. The Journal goes on to say that in practice, most banks will not even make you pay the $50.

Consumers Are Not responsible for unathorized credit card charges! Who loses is the merchants who ship products then never get paid for them.


You can if you think you can.


This issue is being sent to 11,932 simply fantastic readers. We certainly do appreciate your taking the time to read this publication and value you and your relationship with us.

As always, enjoy your life, enjoy your day, it's God's great gift to you,



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